sábado, 7 de junio de 2014


My dream of study abroad has crashed as all things do when it is about me. I went to my sister for advice and guess what, as I spected my bubble blowed up. I was about to cry when she exposed me the reasons why it is possible but extremely hard. My only year left, as I said, is 2nd of bachelor and then I have to th the exam that allows me to go to university. If I go to USA or England or something for a year, I'll be back in May and I'll have to be able to study a year or english, french, spanish, latin, greek, history, art history and all subjects I have to pass in the final exam of june. I wont be able to! maybe in english and french yes, but what about the others? may I have to do selectivity in september? and what if I have no place in the career by then?
So I'm looking for options to be a month in England this summer, but I can't pay it if I wanna have my drive license next year...
I'd say "fuck my life", but it is not that sad..., I must go somewhere during my career, understanding "somewhere" as China, Korea, Japan... or, nobody knows, maybe USA or England too. Just for myself, alone, no groups, no guide, no classes, just life.

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