jueves, 9 de abril de 2020


Nights. I know I said before how nights are the perfect moment for tranquil redemption. How I was eased by it's peacefulness and how I liked to picture what could be going on everywhere, anywhere, from love to crimes, from fantasy to reality.
Words are indeed very powerful, almost as much as imagination. Words can change someone's life for good, from "you should say your goodbyes" to "I love you". I believe I have had quite a share of powerful words so far, life changing displays of letters and phonemes, but not everything just yet. I'm still waiting for a few of them - specifically from one person.
But that's not the point. What I wanted to reflect in here is how words allow us to depict something's appearance as either wonderful or terrifying. I'm not saying it's all just a lie, but a side of truth for someone, at a specific time...

It could be true for me, just for a moment, if only I could throw out a message of hope with the upcoming day.
It was a very cold morning today. I took a break from work and went out to the terrace to watch how the pastel colours of the sun made the stars fade way. The smell of humidity, the cold, birds' chirping..., it all remind me of my youth somehow: summer school camps, early rugby trainings, late walks home with my shoes on one hand.
I know I said I love the easiness of the night, but there's nostalgia in my mind now. Everything good came by with the hopes of a new day, a new beginning if you will. Daylight is warmness, brightness, the end of the standby and the beginning of action. Daylight is when things take place, when life happens.

It's funny that this is the way we came to find each other. We made the wheels turn again, bursting into life... Right in the standby of the world.

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