sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015

Surprising thoughts from the biggest non-rational side of my brain.

It's been a while since I last wrote in English, huh? I'll do my best to explain myself...

We were there, in Magic Island, stucked in this atraction, Anaconda. It was the largest fall, and our trunk suddenly hit the one before us. Another one pushed us from behind.
I was seeing the watery fall, as if I were standing in front of a cliff.

The most rational side of my brain was sure that we'd be gotten out of the attraction soon, but unfortunately it was the smallest part though. Time continued passing by and nobody came, so it didn't help at all. I was getting nervous, and the other biggest part of my mind started questioning what would happen if we fell from that place.
My thoughts were running, being pushed around by other ideas as I imagined the possible consequences. If the trunk dropped, me and my friends would be seriously injured... or probably worse than that. Since the attraction wasn't working, the three trunks would probably fall out of control into the iron rail and into the fake lake...; I assumed that we would die.
But I didn't really thought about my friends at the beginnig. For a while I came up with the idea that I wouldn't mind if I died right now, but I've realised of how stupid I've been. Of course I care! It's obvious that I wanna live, at least long enough to get my driving licence, go to college, assist to my sis's wedding! Sometimes I really think I'm back to where I used to be when I was an unconcious, selfish, emo, dumb teenager.
There, trapped and in panic, I figured it out that I wanted to live no matter what.

When the workers of Magic Island came to report us everything that happened and somebody came to rescue us and lead us back to mainland, I regretted that I didn't think about my friends at all, about Silvia, Corina, Jose and Esse's siblings. Nothing came to my mind about Ana, waiting for us with our bags and stuff. How cruel and selfish I am! I didn't imagined my family's pain if I died, only the things I'd miss.
But up there I also regretted a few things, like making such a huge effort to get A+ in my senior year (which gave me nothing but a free first year in college); not helping father enough, I regretted a lot of thoughts I've had and many of my actions as well.
It was an overreaction but at least I've learned to say "I love you" to my family more often.

And I kind of feel better now.

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